Fishing in general, and bass fishing in particular, has been my passion for most of my life. I’m fortunate enough to make most of my living as an outdoor writer, writing mostly about bass fishing. I enjoy writing. I enjoy lively discourse on the sport with other anglers.
Fishing Articles by RichZ
Night Time Patterns for Summer Bass
Avoid the crowds and the headaches, by hitting the lakes after dark.
Ice-out Patterns for Small Pond Bass
Shaking off cabin fever by catching some of the first bass of the year to become active.
Fall Largemouth in Natural Lakes
How to capitalize on some of the best bass action of the year.
TomZ’s Catfish Tactics
My son is a heck of a catfisherman…check out his instructions to catch more and bigger cats
Blade baits+humps=Fall Smallies
Vibrating lures catch smallmouth from offshore structures.
Links to other fishing pages in the RichZ Website.
Tips & Tricks, plus myths debunked.
An incomplete (and reglarly expanding) compilation of RichZ’s favorite tips & tricks, along with his views on some very questionable beliefs that are commonly held by bass anglers.
Bryan Kerchal Page
Memories and thoughts about my departed friend, 1994 BASS Masters Classic winner, Bryan Kerchal.
Advanced Bass Techniques
A book on bass and bass fishing, by Rich Zaleski